Lloyd Gosselink News

Sheila Gladstone presents “Hot Topics in Employment Law” at the Austin Bar Administrative Law Section

Sheila Gladstone will be presenting at the Austin Bar Administrative Law Section CLE Luncheon this Wednesday, October 17. She will be discussing “Hot Topics in Employment Law,” including paid sick leave, the effect of… Read More

“Ask Sheila” – Accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Dear Sheila: The county has a job opening in the courthouse cafeteria for a dishwasher.  One of the applicants is deaf and does not communicate verbally at all. Although we hired a sign language interpreter for the interview,… Read More

“Ask Sheila” – FMLA

Dear Sheila: We have an employee who was diagnosed with severe and chronic depression. His psychiatrist has certified he has a serious health condition under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). Many mornings he is… Read More

“Ask Sheila” – Workers’ Compensation

Are parking garage injuries covered under workers’ compensation? Dear Readers: For this issue, I’m going to make it a bit personal and answer my own question. I recently got the wonderful opportunity to experience an injury… Read More

UPDATE: Austin Paid Sick Leave Ordinance Legal Battle and Preparing for the October 1, 2018 Effective Date

The Austin City Council’s paid sick leave ordinance is facing legal challenge ahead of its October 1, 2018 effective date. As cities like San Antonio and Dallas consider similar ordinances, all eyes are on the legal battle surrounding Austin’s ordinance. Read More

Austin City Council Approves Ordinance Requiring Private Employers to Provide Paid Sick Leave Starting Oct. 1, 2018

Small employers (those with five or fewer employees at any timein the preceding 12 months, excluding family members)have until 2020 to comply. On February 16, 2018, the Austin City Council approved a paid sick leave ordinance requiring all private employers… Read More

“Ask Sheila”

Dear Sheila, On a Monday morning, one of our female clerical employees came to the Department head in tears. She said that on Saturday night, she was with friends at a club, and she ran into her male supervisor who… Read More

Preventing and Responding to Workplace Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era

by Sheila Gladstone and Ashley Thomas Unless you were hiding under a rock in 2017, you must be aware of the tidal wave of allegations of sexual harassment by celebrities and other high-powered public figures that have resulted… Read More

“Exercise Caution When Issuing a Notice of Termination”

by Sheila Gladstone and Ashley Thomas It is not uncommon for employers, especially in the public sector, to issue a “Notice of Termination” in advance of a final termination decision. Notices of termination usually occur after the employer has… Read More

Employers are Required to Start Using the New I-9 Form Today

 Use the new I-9 Form for new hires and employees for whom an I-9 has not been completed The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has revised Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, and beginning today, employers must use… Read More

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